
Student Care Services (SCS) offers guidance, resources, and support for UCF students who are experiencing distress impacting their academic success and/or overall well-being.  SCS staff work directly with students providing wrap-around support and referrals to appropriate campus and community resources. The ultimate goal is to ensure UCF Knights understand and have access to the resources available to support them along their academic journey.   Student Care Services is committed to the safety and well-being of the UCF community and integration of education and care through a case management approach.

From Caring Comes Courage 

Student Care Services is also home to UCF Cares. UCF Cares is a campus-wide initiative promoting programs and resources dedicated to fostering a caring community of Knights.

Please review the information on this site, but do not hesitate to contact Student Care Services with any questions or concerns at (407)823-5607 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm or at caremanager@ucf.edu.

Whether you are a student, UCF staff, faculty member, family member or community member, Student Care Services is here for you to report any student concerns or receive support for those experiencing distress, difficulty adjusting to university life, family issues, financial difficulties, accessing accommodations, safety and well-being, mental health, etc.  Here at UCF, we strive to build a culture of care, one Knight at a time, but it takes all of us to do our part.

Our Mission

Student Care Services offers guidance, resources and referrals for students experiencing academic and/or personal concerns by coordinating a comprehensive network of support for student safety and well-being.

Our Vision

To be the leader in higher education intervention programs by empowering all students in need to achieve overall academic success and well-being.

Our Goals

SCS aims to assist the UCF community by:

  • Supporting campus and the greater community in making referrals through the Student of Concern reporting process
  • Providing care related resources and education to students, faculty, and staff assisting students of concern and the UCF Cares initiative
  • Making referrals to and coordination of the University Crisis Team
  • Coordinating additional support services including the Homeless Student Team, Student Death Response,
    and the Student of Concern Team
  • Support and empower students to take action and advocate on their own behalf
  • Providing remedial measures support to students impacted by interpersonal violence
  • Supporting ongoing programming efforts for the UCF Cares initiative